Wheel Of Fortune (Large)

4 in stock
Important notes:
  • Combining of sections is allowed.
  • Stoppers are fixed to each section, custom sized sections are not allowed.
File requirements:
  • Artwork has to be done strictly following our template and section availability
  • If you are unable to provide the above files, please contact
    or to request for assistance.
Please download Design Guideline for:

4 in stock

{{nbd_fields['S-WF-01KSET-BMWM(F3PB)'].value_name}} - {{time_work[nbd_fields['S-WF-01KSET-BMWM(F3PB)'].value]}} Hours
Standard - {{time_work[0]}} Hours
RUSH - {{time_work[1]}} Hours
{{nbd_fields['S-WF-01KSET-BMWM(F3PB)'].invalidOption}} is not available

Please check invalid fields and quantity input or choose a different combination!

Table pricing

From Up to Price / 1 item
{{pt.from}} {{pt.up != '**' ? pt.up : 'or more'}}

Total w/o GST SGD $576.40

Total w/ GST SGD $628.28

Upload design


Drag / Scroll over the image

Print Template
Installation Guide